I think I may be dying

It’s true. I’m dying. And so are you. At least as far as this world is concerned. Everything man-made eventually dies. On earth, the man-made stuff just reinvents itself. This is why there is nothing new “under” the sun. This also explains the so-called cursed upon materialism; it will never ultimately satisfy and any attemptContinue reading “I think I may be dying”

Everything is meaningless: And that’s okay

Ecclesiastes 1:1. . .”Meaningless, meaningless. All is meaningless.” My favorite verse in the Bible. I also like the Geneva Bible, which predated King James. Everything after that just gets more watered down. Solomon, the wisest man in the Old Testament, wrote the most doom and gloom book that you would think he struggled with depression.Continue reading “Everything is meaningless: And that’s okay”