Imagine having no one to rule over you, except for the obvious

Judges 21:25. . .”In those days there was no king in Israel, everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”I was listening to a book I rarely listen to in my Scourby bible app; the Book of Judges. I should add that I love listening to audiobooks these days, it’s like having someone readContinue reading “Imagine having no one to rule over you, except for the obvious”

Everything is meaningless: And that’s okay

Ecclesiastes 1:1. . .”Meaningless, meaningless. All is meaningless.” My favorite verse in the Bible. I also like the Geneva Bible, which predated King James. Everything after that just gets more watered down. Solomon, the wisest man in the Old Testament, wrote the most doom and gloom book that you would think he struggled with depression.Continue reading “Everything is meaningless: And that’s okay”