Life in the material world

This meme about sums it up. The world isn’t getting worse. It’s always been cursed. The church was supposed to be a light to the world. They still are to some degree, but even man can corrupt that too. Life is not hard. The ways of the world are. To put it in proper perspectiveContinue reading “Life in the material world”

Not as bad as it sounds

It’s amazing to hear advocates of capitalism and socialism use the tenants of Judeo-Christianity to justify their political stance. However the Bible says God’s ways are higher than man’s. By defending our political or economic system, we are merely just creating our own god to suit our vision of how life should be. Because IContinue reading “Not as bad as it sounds”

This life will be the death of me

My new life goal is to just exist I resolve to just pay taxes and die It seems like an easy goal to accomplish Actually you can’t even afford to die anymore Have you seen the price of caskets? Going into debt to pay for everything Now you have to finance your own death ThankContinue reading “This life will be the death of me”

Developing your negatives

I like taking pictures as a hobby on my smartphone. Hopefully I can make a living doing this in the near future. I took photography in high school for a year, and I have to admit the old darkroom style was a lot more challenging than these digital cameras. One day I got to thinkingContinue reading “Developing your negatives”

The power of you

In a world where you can be anything you want to be, perhaps the best thing you can be is yourself. The old saying is that everyone else is already taken. Who else are you going to be? It’s amazing how society tells us to be ourselves, until we actually do it. Peer pressure doesn’tContinue reading “The power of you”