I think I may be dying

It’s true. I’m dying. And so are you. At least as far as this world is concerned. Everything man-made eventually dies. On earth, the man-made stuff just reinvents itself. This is why there is nothing new “under” the sun. This also explains the so-called cursed upon materialism; it will never ultimately satisfy and any attempt to find satisfaction in earthly things will enslave us and cause us to forget who we truly are.

Even Jesus said all things pass away. I have been dying for over 40 years. At the same time the last 40 years have been the best years of my childhood. You keep yourself young by staying close to who were were growing up. So I guess my purpose is to prove that I can be a responsible adult and still be “immature”.

What is immaturity anyway? It is basically a word that grownups who take life too seriously call people who like to have fun every once in awhile.

Face it, adulthood is overrated. Even Jesus said to be like a child. Although this refers to a childlike faith in Divine Providence.

So I’m dying and will continue to do so for another two or three decades. We were created to live forever. Even some healthcare practitioners can’t figure out why humans don’t live longer than they actually do. Or why they even get sick in the first place.

It turns out even dying is an illusion. All dying is is the body slowly decaying. Even this is cause by wear and tear on the body due to excessive demands the world places on us, not to mention our own egos which cause us to push ourselves too hard. People that know how to take care of themselves don’t show the effects of dying as they get old. Often this latter group ends up reversing the aging process. The result is when they hit old age, people end up being surprised by how old they really are.

When Jesus said “die to ourselves”, I believe he meant die to the way of the world and live the divine life that the Great Spirit calls us to live in service to our neighbor. This is how we overcome the world that keeps trying to enslave us.

Published by E Bishop Wooten

I grew up in a working class family in the Southwest region of the United States. I was also raised with Judeo-Christian values and the Bible even though we were not regular attendees of church. I wasn't baptized until I was 24 and even that was in Canyon Lake in New Braunfels, Texas on a camping trip in July of 2001. I have been writing devotionals ever since and transitioned into blogging exactly ten years later and look forward to writing short stories and screenplays as part of my long term goal. The goal of the Liberal Conservative blog is to try to find balance in a world that seeks to go to extremes. Since balance is the key to wellness, I can consider myself to be a wellness blogger, though I use humor because there is a proverb that teaches that laughter is the best medicine.

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