Orange is the new black

I borrowed the title of today’s blog post from the Netflix drama with the same name. I have to confess that I would rather watch the drama on the infamous TV app rather than anything to do with politics. This post takes us back to a few years ago when Donald Trump replaced Barack Obama as the 45th President of the United States of America.

The inspiration for the blog post was that I never see much difference in the economy regardless of who sits in the Oval Office. We are usually at war somewhere no matter who the President is for one thing. Supposedly fighting for freedom, though it is usually more for profit than anything.

Granted, the economy was booming under President Trump, yet it started booming under President Obama during his last few years. I am not crediting either President with the success of the economy. The economy is a natural business cycle of ups and downs. It usually booms and busts under a Republican, which is why we are always in a recession when a Democrat gets elected. The Democrats use this as an opportunity to promote socialism. Not long after the election, the economy starts booming again and this is why Democrats get credit for the economy. That and they usually make up for the recession by injecting money into the economy to stabilize it.

The 2016 election

I remember the election of 2016. It lasted for hours until Democratic “hopeful” Hillary Clinton conceded to “The Donald.” Trump was merely a tool by the right wing in the United States. It was a psyop to keep the Clintons out of the Oval Office. It may have been a blessing in disguise.

And now we have Obama’s former VP as the 46th president of the United States of America. It’s suspected Obama is pulling the strings. There is even a video all over the Internet where Barry says if he could pull off a third term where he’s sitting in his basement in his sweats wearing a headset.

To sum it up, don’t worry about what goes on in politics too much. It is just a distraction from what goes on behind the scenes in the real free society. I only follow it because the Shitshow is entertaining. Everytime I write on something political it ends up being satirical. I may be onto something here.

Published by E Bishop Wooten

I grew up in a working class family in the Southwest region of the United States. I was also raised with Judeo-Christian values and the Bible even though we were not regular attendees of church. I wasn't baptized until I was 24 and even that was in Canyon Lake in New Braunfels, Texas on a camping trip in July of 2001. I have been writing devotionals ever since and transitioned into blogging exactly ten years later and look forward to writing short stories and screenplays as part of my long term goal. The goal of the Liberal Conservative blog is to try to find balance in a world that seeks to go to extremes. Since balance is the key to wellness, I can consider myself to be a wellness blogger, though I use humor because there is a proverb that teaches that laughter is the best medicine.

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