Tesla, drugs, and pigeons

person sitting inside car
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Pexels.com

All the talk lately about Elon Musk trying to buy Twitter for $44 million. First off, I need to stop calling Musk “Tesla”. He may be a smart man but he’s probably no Nikola Tesla. Although he is probably richer than Tesla ever was. Awhile back I was reading something about Elon appearing as a guest on Joe Rogan’s podcast and the two smoked a joint together. Now the genius at Tesla, Inc. is fighting to defend himself that he is not a drug addict.

Come on, everyone is doing it, so they say. Over half of western civilization is addicted to drugs; they just don’t realize it because they have to get a prescription to pay for it. Even caffeine is a drug addiction. I have to wrap this up so I can go get my fix.

Speaking of Nikola Tesla, I read that in addition to dying broke because he spent all of his money on his inventions, he spent much of it staying at the Waldorf Astoria or something like that. His favorite past time was feeding the pigeons and he even claimed to fall in love with one.

I think I may rent a Tesla someday. The $75,000 car is only 20-30k used. I saw it in one of the rental car apps for only $100 per day. Take a road trip in style.

Published by E Bishop Wooten

I grew up in a working class family in the Southwest region of the United States. I was also raised with Judeo-Christian values and the Bible even though we were not regular attendees of church. I wasn't baptized until I was 24 and even that was in Canyon Lake in New Braunfels, Texas on a camping trip in July of 2001. I have been writing devotionals ever since and transitioned into blogging exactly ten years later and look forward to writing short stories and screenplays as part of my long term goal. The goal of the Liberal Conservative blog is to try to find balance in a world that seeks to go to extremes. Since balance is the key to wellness, I can consider myself to be a wellness blogger, though I use humor because there is a proverb that teaches that laughter is the best medicine.

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